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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 12 hours and 7 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Brilliance Audio Release Date: January 1, 2014

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Thanks to Amazon I discovered this book when the company offered 3 free specified downloads, Timebound being one of them. I hadn't realized it at the time that I was reading a young adult book (while in my 30's), but I didn't mind one bit because I remember being captivated by similar books when I was a young adult. I'm not sure if the genre made it naturally easy to read or if it was the story, but I lean on the side of the author and commend her for a very fun read overall.The story is about a young girl named Kate, who discovers her familial connections with real historians who can jump back and forth in time to record and analyze events. The focus of this plot was the 1893 world's fair in Chicago complete with Mayor Carter Harrison Sr.'s assassination and a notorious serial killer who was famed during that era. The backstory of time traveling however was the main centerpiece where Kate was tasked to going back in time to save her family and their existence. It was the perfect combination of adventure and connections with few touches of romance.I will say that the slight pitfall at least for me as a reader and aspiring writer was the rhetoric and different phrases that the author used with Kate's language in the book. Kate is supposed to be a teenager, one who is also just handling the shock of this whole other world she is involved in, and some phrases were clearly not how a teenager would express themselves. For example a 16 year old would never in a million years say, "bloody awful horrid rotten shoes," which honestly sounds like some old grandma from England, or call a band aid an "adhesive bandage." Just things like that threw me off.Overall however, even with my busy season it was a fun and quick read. Plus it fed my sci-fi and historical novel fix. So I leave you with this quote that I appreciate very much from the novel: "History is sacred - like a nature hike. 'Leave only footprints, take only memories." Thanks Rysa Walker for the great read!

I've said before that I may not be the most critical reader - I find a lot of books enjoyable, as long as the storyline keeps my attention, the characters are vivid and dynamic, and I can get lost in the story.However, that being said, I LOVE these books. I picked this book from a Kindle First selection, and I just finished it between Christmas and New Year's (and had to buy the second one immediately). The storyline is a hair slow right in the beginning as the author is setting up what is happening (I left off reading for a while at the part where the main character and her mom were at dinner with her grandmother, mostly because I just got busy with other things), but I am so glad I picked this book back up again and continued on. It is a little confusing to keep up with at first, because this book involves frequent time-travel on the part of not just the main character but several other characters as well, and our minds are obviously only used to thinking in a "time is linear" fashion. I ultimately gave up trying to actually keep track of what exactly was going on and just trust the book to do what it was there to do, and it actually improved my ability to grasp the whole concept. Overthinking just makes more problems than it is worth, as time travel is not currently something we are capable of doing (the whole time I keep thinking of a cartoon I've seen that says "What do we want?" "Time Travel!" "When do we want it?" "It's irrelevant!")This author is talented and clearly very thorough in her research and probably has some fascinating diagrams all over her office to keep track of everything she is able to accomplish on these pages, but I loved every minute of it. The second book has thus far been the same - I just trust her to help me understand what I need to know rather than try to comprehend things like "well, how does that work? she's already here and now she's going back a day, so now there will be two of them, but one of them knows more than the other...", and it makes for a great experience. I think I'm going to go read some more of book #2 right now.

A number of months ago, Amazon basically threw three books at me, and this was one of them. No, it really wasn't as violent as it sounds, but I had gotten an e-mail saying that if I wanted to, I could download three books. I've read two of the three so far, and I have loved both of them. War Brides was the first I read, and I've yet to read Follow You Home, but I have high hopes for it, since the other two books were phenomenal.I'm a sucker for time travel books and movies, all the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff (with apologies to Doctor Who), and this one fit the bill perfectly, including a very neat romance that had me screaming at my screen and discussing it with my husband, even though he hasn't read the book. What was I screaming? Sorry... Spoilers (again, apologies to Doctor Who).I loved this book so much that I have purchased all of the novels and novellas Rysa Walker has written in this series and have read the #1.5 novella. I'll get to the shorter works she wrote in this series after I've read the main books. I am spreading them out so I can enjoy the series for as long as possible. You may be wondering why I mentioned the author's name: "all of the ones Rysa Walker has written..." There are other authors who have written in this universe! I love it when that happens, and I'm looking forward to delving into them as well.If you want to be sucked into a charming, thought-provoking, scream-at-your-screen time travel series, do not delay. The Chronos Files are waiting for you!

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